Student behavior, school pride, and academic performance are influenced by what is worn to school each day. We hope to maintain school safety, cohesiveness, and a sense of belonging and unity with our uniform policies. Your support can help us accomplish these goals. For students who arrive out of uniform, if we do not have extra uniform items in your child’s size at school, parents will be called to bring a uniform. If you need assistance with uniforms, please contact the school social worker.
Donations of new or used uniforms are accepted and available at the school. Please contact our school social worker if you need assistance with uniforms or are interested in making a donation to the uniform closet.
Please note that the following items are not allowed as part of the school uniform:
● Jackets or hoodies with logos or writing worn inside during the school day.
● Flip flops, crocs, sandals, or open toed shoes.
● Cargo pockets in pants/shorts or skirts that are higher than fingertip length.
● Shirts without collars.
● Hats, bandanas, excessive accessories (i.e. headbands with big flowers, vests that are not school colored, decorative belts that are not black, brown, or school colored, large hoop earrings, etc.)
● Plain collared shirts in red, white, or navy blue.
● Pants, shorts, skirts, skorts in khaki or navy blue.
● Socks, leggings, or tights
● Plain red, white, or navy-blue jacket without hood worn inside during the day. Plain jean jackets are appropriate.
● Sneakers, closed-toe shoes, and shoes with a closed heel or strap.
● Outerwear of any kind may be worn to school, but not during school.
● Lady’s Island spirit wear may be worn every day with uniform bottom (shirt, sweatshirts).*
*Hoodies may be worn to school and outside during recess, but not inside of the building.
● Jackets or sweatshirts that contain writing, hoods, or are not school colors.
● Outerwear/heavy coats worn inside.
● Shorts, skirts, or skorts shorter than fingertip length.
● Jeans **
● Jeans with holes/rips are not allowed
● T-shirts or shirts without collars**
● Cargo pockets in pants/shorts
● Shoes with wheels
● Flip flops, crocs, clogs, sandals, or open-toed shoes
● Hats, bandanas, and accessories that are distracting, such as big flowers, vests that are not school colored
● Large hoop earrings
*Spirit wear may be worn with a uniform bottom any day of the week.
**On designated spirit days:
● Each Friday is a spirit day
● School spirit shirt, sweatshirt, or hoodie
● Jean or uniform bottoms. Jeans with holes/rips are not allowed.
● Other items as requested (i.e. hat day)
On uniform free Days:
Any appropriate shirt/jeans. Shoes must still be sneakers or closed toe and shorts must be fingertip length.