Curriculum Information
Since 2000, Lady’s Island Elementary School has prepared students to be productive citizens of the twenty-first century by creating a child-centered, arts-integrated, standards-based learning environment.
Dance / Music / Theatre / Visual Arts / Creative Writing / Media Arts
The Arts in Basic Curriculum (ABC) Project provides leadership to achieve quality, comprehensive arts education (dance, music, media arts, theatre, visual arts and creative writing) for all students in South Carolina.
The ABC Project is cooperatively directed by the South Carolina Arts Commission, the South Carolina Department of Education and the College of Visual and Performing Arts at Winthrop University.
Lady's Island Elementary is proud to be a Leader in Me School. Leader in Me is a whole-school improvement process based on the idea that everyone can be a leader. This evidence-based approach empowers students with the leadership and life skills they need to thrive in the 21st century. We focus on developing the whole child by:
- teaching LEADERSHIP to every student,
- creating a CULTURE of student empowerment,
- and aligning systems to drive results in ACADEMICS.
7 Habits of Highly Effective People
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is one of the key frameworks of the Leader in Me process. In addition to helping students learn and apply leadership skills, the 7 Habits give us a common language in building a supportive emotional environment.
4 Disciplines of Execution
The 4 Disciplines of Execution is another key framework of the Leader in Me that helps us to identify, track, and achieve academic and personal Wildly Important Goals (WIGs).
We invite families and community partners to join us in our mission to (insert school mission statement) by:
- Attending an upcoming leadership event
- Joining our Parent and Community Lighthouse Team
- Sponsoring a schoolwide leadership role or club
- Supporting one of our service-learning projects
- Visiting the Leader in Me Family Development page to learn more
Learn more about Leader in Me.
Classlink Connects students to a wealth of resources. Login to Classlink with your student BCSD Login and Password
Additional Resources
Scholastic Literacy Pro empowers teachers with a blended reading solution that curates a personalized bookshelf for every child from Grades K–8 and ensures purposeful and effective reading with data to inform instruction.
SIPPS (Systematic Instruction in Phonological Awareness, Phonics, and Sight Words) is a research-based foundational skills program proven to help both new and struggling readers in grades K–12, including English Language Learners (ELLs) and students identified with dyslexia. Visit Collaborative Classroom for more information.
The Heggerty Curriculum: Daily phonemic awareness lessons designed with teachers in mind
Fountas & Pinnell Literacy™: a comprehensive, systematic design for high-impact literacy instruction.
Reading A-Z Thousands of downloadable, projectable, printable teacher materials, covering all the skills necessary for effective reading instruction.
Headsprout is the smartest kids' reading program on the market today. The program uses effective, interactive online episodes to teach K-5 students the reading fundamentals and comprehension skills they need to become successful readers.
Gifted & Talented Curriculum:
William & Mary Language Arts Units
Michael Clay Thompson: Vocabulary Program
Project M2: Mentoring Young Mathematicians
Project M3: Mentoring Mathematical Minds
Profile of the South Carolina Graduate